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The OpenScout network covers every stage, sector, and geography. Out of thousands of scout applications we pick the best of the best, and they share every deal they come across through OpenScout.

Networked Founders

Whether prominent early stage, or exited unicorn founders, founders often have the best dealflow around.

Prolific Angels

Start following angels that are investing in the earliest new startups and invest alongside them.

Market Experts

Sector specialists, academic researchers, deep tech enthusiasts, all sharing their dealflow on OpenScout.

Community Leaders

Folk that run entrepeneur communities that frequently come across fundraising founders.

How does OpenScout Work?

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Global Dealflow

Our scouts cover every geography you can imagine, helping you uncover deals you wouldn't normally see.

Relevancy Engine

Our propietary relevancy engine ensures you only see deals relevant to your investment thesis.

1-Click Founder Intros

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